

Fruitopia is bad for you.

*singing* I'm going to Orbit...I'm going to Orbit...^_____^

I saw Fushigi Yuugi the other day...it's okay...but EXTREMELY cheesy. - . - Miaka is h3ll@ annoying!!! I HATE HER NAME!! >.< Tamahome is pretty cool but really, really stupid in the romance scenes. AND HOW THE FREAK ARE THEY SUPPOSED TO FALL IN LOVE IN LIKE TWO DAYS?? That part was SO irritating...and the OP just PISSED ME OFF...

On the other hand...it did hold my interest for a while...^^

NOO!! I looked gay in a skirt...OO Even my brother said so. ^^

White, you looked cute too!!! ^___^

Of course I read my comments...why else do I keep a blog??? If no one cares...they probably don't anyways. My life is BO~RING...

A word of caution: Don't drink Fruitopia. It never actually tastes like any fruit.


I got 37/40 on my Persuasive Speech...- . - Oh well...

YUKI IS REAL!! >.< He is very real...he is fine and sexy and can kill you!!! HAHA...on sugar high right now...


Guess what I got?! ^____^

Which Fruits Basket Character are you?

#2 closest match...

Which Fruits Basket Character are you?

Hey...it's a coincidence!! ^^


My personality is rated 28.
What is yours?




Fruits Basket is SO kawaii!! ^___^


Look what I got!

What Inuyasha Character are you?

And look what my kawaii little otouto-chan got!

What Inuyasha Character are you?

Uploaded Chapter 2 to Spirited Away...if anyone's reading that. ^^


AARGH!!! Hornpipe is stuck in my head!! >.<


Tweaking the template.

Haha...me and my friends are planning a b-day party for two of my other friends. ^_^ We're going to bake her a cake and make a salad and a bunch of other things...but we haven't really set a date yet...- . -

I remember...my friends did that for me once in 6th grade. Aren't they cute? ^^ They tried to surprise me but I kinda figured it out because blindfolding me and making me guess where I was on the field wasn't really Science...anyway we're going to throw those two people a really cool party!!! And yeah...^^;

Hey, I'm getting the hang of this...^_^

Aargh...this persuasive speech thing for Language Arts...my topic is "violence on television". The last time I did something like this was...6th grade? I'm a BAD speaker, darn it!! >.<

I'm trying to edit the template...X.x I'm such an HTML RETARD!!!


Okay, I'm very sorry to the people who were reading Phoenix Rising, but I took it down. I have to revise and rework it until I like it and then I'll post it up again.

Meanwhile, there's still Spirited Away. I'll focus on that and maybe later Phoenix Rising will be done.

OMG!! Does anyone here on this good Earth like Cowboy Bebop????


Quizzes are fun!!! ^_______^

test by Leanne
which CCS character are you?

Does everyone really like me?? ^^

Which X/1999 characters are you?

Quiz made by Chesa

WOW!!! Thanks Sayuri-san!! ^^ It's beautiful!!!

Hey Yume-chan! You can edit this however you want, the colors, the sidebar, etc. The commenting is by enetation, and it's one that i no longer use, so yeah. Um, i'll email you the p/w and such for it. Okay?

Oh, one last thing. Blog okay?


This is Sayuri, testing for Yume-chan.